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Are you an Intermagical?

The New World Fae have something to say
about how our world is more magical than we realize...
Are you ready to hear them?
Now Streaming!
Intermagical, the complete audiobook (with visuals!)
now streaming live on YouTube for free

It's the nature of the hidden folk to stay hidden...
...But in the face of all of this darkness there are some truths that must be brought into the light.
Sometimes things happen that we can't explain...
And so it was that the novel 'Intermagical' sprang into being, as a gift, it would seem, from the fae.
'A gift for whom?' you might ask.
For a sweet, sick girl named Faeryn, for one. ​
And, if I had to guess, perhaps also for you? ​​
It's a story about real magic, with truths buried in fiction, for those who open their eyes and see...
*I'm a faerie not a capitalist! Thanks for supporting the art, but if the price is an issue, please reach out for a free code or stream it on YouTube!
In the press

New World Fae Volume Two
"Festival Season"
Coming Soon!
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