Are you an
Magic awaits when you uncover the secrets of the New World Fae
What's an Intermagical?
An Intermagical is someone mixed with magic
Magic? What does that mean, anyway?
It's that spark of something strange and special
that makes us feel different than everybody else.
Like, maybe, everyone got a rulebook for life, and yours got lost in the mail...? ​
It's the whisper of a mythical heritage that our oppressors never managed to completely erase.
An ancestry passed down in our oldest stories.
Intermagical Type Tool
Coming soon!
The people who told the original stories of faeries and elves weren't pretending. They were making real observations about their natural world.
A world full of all different sorts of people.
Just like our world is now.
We were the ones they were telling stories about, weren't we? With our peculiarities, and strange ways ...and our unexplained talents.
People don't tend to expect the talents, do they?
Have you ever wondered where that spark of magic might have come from?
In the novel Intermagical, author TS Davis tells us the story of Fiona, a changeling girl who comes to Oregon in search of her birth family and finds a hidden world of magic that she never expected.
And, Intermagical itself is something unexpected.
An LGBT, BIPOC and disability inclusive story with progressive, anti-capitalist themes, some heretical things to say about organized religion and real truths about the magic all around us.
It gives us permission to claim our historic mythos, rediscover the magic in ourselves,
and make good trouble.